Category: , ,  /  August 14th 2014
A new platform to deliver on new customer needs

Small business needs are changing as online services continue to evolve. So we’ve changed our platform too, using the latest innovations to make sure we’re meeting those needs, and are ready for the future. Here are just a few of the trends that have shaped our approach.

The app economy is booming

Right now there are more than 5,500 applications listed on GetApp across 25-30 distinct categories. Many have been specially created to help small businesses with tasks like publishing and tracking social media posts or managing projects. That means there are now more users of different apps within a business – even in a 2- or 3-person organization responsibilities may be shared.

In response, we’ve made it possible for small business owners to subscribe to an app, then assign access to other users. By defining their roles and deciding how much they can do and see, owners are able to share tasks without sharing more sensitive business data.

People are working across devices

We’ve seen an increase of over 400% in the number of people using mobile to access our applications since 2012. Evidence that small businesses want to get tasks done while on the move. So we’ve rebuilt our platform to make it fully responsive. Now, whether users login through their mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop, they’ll get the same functionality, optimized to their device.

Integrated offers are more likely to engage

Organizations are recognizing that if cloud application propositions are to succeed, they need to be deeply integrated with their brand, products and customer experience. Offers and promotions also play an important part in engaging customers.

Our new platform recognizes this need for flexibility and speed. Brands can now test propositions quickly by bundling apps and products together at a certain price point, then trying a different combination.

We can also support short-term promotional vouchers and deliver them through email and SMS. And we’ve developed a promotional system based on credits which can be redeemed against any number of apps while the offer’s still valid.

Tailored support gets value from customers

If a brand is to really get value from a customer, the small business needs to be signed up and using their applications regularly. To get them to that point means engaging them in a variety of ways, to reflect their lifecycle, behaviours and what they want to hear.

We can now track consumer engagement with the platform and tailor our messages accordingly. If they’ve expressed an interest in the service when talking to sales advisor, but aren’t ready to sign up immediately, we can send an email with more information. If they open it and look at products, we can tell the advisor that now’s a good time to offer a free trail. If they sign up but stop logging in, we can offer targeted support. And so on.

Our communication strategy is aimed at helping customers get value out of the service, which then generates ongoing revenue for the brand.

The better you know your users, the better you can serve them

Keeping up with customers is one of the ways brands can compete in a busy marketplace. Central to that is having the data to see how services are performing, then using those insights to shape propositions and drive decisions. Brands can now access this information at a click, wherever and whenever they want.

The market will continue to evolve, and so will our platform. Whatever we do, we’ll always start with the small business need. Because we know that’s how we deliver best value for our clients.


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sabbir ahmed

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